perihelion - point in orbit nearest to the sun
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday, August 24, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - fusspot
GRE Vocabulary - garotte scrag
garotte - method/apparatus for execution by strangulation using a iron collar
garotte - scrag, choke, murder
GRE Vocabulary - lilting
lilting - rhythmic swing or cadence in speech or walk,
lilting - livery, cheerful, rhythmic singing
GRE Vocabulary - guttle raven
guttle - put into gut, eat or drink greedily or noisily, gorge, gormandize
raven - consume greedily, devour
raven - shiny, black bird that cries in the night
GRE Vocabulary - articled
articled - bound by articles set in a contract, indentured
GRE Vocabulary - keel
keel - chief longitudinal structural member that often projects at the bottom of the ship, aircraft or a birds breastbone
keel - to lean precariously while walking, fall or faint over, lurch, careen, swag
GRE Vocabulary - bounderish bounder
GRE Vocabulary - metricate metricize
GRE Vocabulary - bedazzle
bedazzle - confuse by bright light, dazzle
bedazzle - impress irresistibly, enchant
GRE Vocabulary - pagination
GRE Vocabulary - androgynous
androgynous - hermaphrodite - bisexual - having characteristics of both male and female
GRE Vocabulary - muckrake
GRE Vocabulary - mantled
mantled - covered with mantle, cloak, covering
Saturday, August 23, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - sixpenny
sixpenny - sixpence - of little worth, trifling
GRE Vocabulary - luxate
luxate - to displace, dislocate, splay, slip
GRE Vocabulary - kerfuffle
kerfuffle - disorderly outburst, disturbance, fuss
GRE Vocabulary - telegenic
telegenic - well suited, attractive to television audiences
GRE Vocabulary - piddle
piddle - to urinate,
piddle - to diddle, to dawdle, to squander, spend time aimlessly
GRE Vocabulary - enate agnate
enate - related on the mothers side
enate - growing outward
agnate - related on the fathers side
GRE Vocabulary - paladin
paladin - trusted military ruler, champion for a cause, hero
Sunday, August 17, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - nubby
nubby - having a rough, knotted, lumped surface
GRE Vocabulary - redemption
GRE Vocabulary - detritus
detritus - debris, fragments, loose material, odds and ends
GRE Vocabulary - irruption
irruption - sudden upsurge in population numbers due to ecological imbalance
GRE Vocabulary - moment
moment - brief period of time
moment - importance, outstanding significance
GRE Vocabulary - blather
GRE Vocabulary - swivet
swivet - state of extreme distress and agitation
GRE Vocabulary - collegial
collegial - collegiate, equal sharing of authority and camaraderie among colleagues
GRE Vocabulary - shanghai
shanghai - abduct, compel by force, drugs, trickery or fraud
GRE Vocabulary - babel
babel - scene of loud, confused, disagreeable noises, sounds and languages
GRE Vocabulary - diuretic renal
diuretic - substance that stimulates kidneys to increase excretion of urine
renal - pertaining to (region of) kidneys
GRE Vocabulary - lore
lore - traditional knowledge gained through experience
lore - space between eye and bill of a bird
GRE Vocabulary - shank
shank - part of leg between knee and ankle
shank - leg, stem, shin, long straight part of nail or screw
shank - part of an object by which it can be attached
shank - to hit a ball so that it goes in unintended direction
GRE Vocabulary - gnash
GRE Vocabulary - eke
GRE Vocabulary - finagle
finagle - obtain by indirect, devious, dishonest, shady means
Friday, August 15, 2008
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) predictable
(B) unexpected
(C) admirable
(D) explicit
(E) confusing
Ans : (B) unexpected
GRE Vocabulary - scourge
scourge(n) - a whip or a lash
scourge(n) - means of suffering, vengeance or punishment, cause of widespread disease, suffering or affliction
scourge(v) - to chastise, excoriate, flog or whip
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) connoisseur
(B) critic
(C) friend
(D) scourge
(E) judge
Ans : (C) friend
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) disinterested.. constructions
(B) callous.. errors
(C) verifiable.. prejudices
(D) convincing.. imperatives
(E) unassailable.. fantasies
Ans : (A) disinterested.. constructions
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) synthesized.. limited
(B) overturned.. misunderstood
(C) endorsed.. nullified
(D) qualified.. overemphasized
(E) recapitulated.. defined
Ans : (D) qualified.. overemphasized
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) rationality
(B) flexibility
(C) diffidence
(D) disinterestedness
(E) insincerity
Ans : (D) disinterestedness
GRE Sentence Completion

(A) maturity
(B) fiction
(C) inventiveness
(D) art
(E) brilliance
Ans : -(A) maturity
Monday, August 4, 2008
Sunday, August 3, 2008
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) contrition.. resilient
(B) certitude.. confident
(C) skepticism.. innocent
(D) remorse.. flawed
(E) resignation. Frivolous
Ans : (D) remorse.. flawed
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) estranged.. guard
(B) beleaguered.. salvage
(C) overruled.. undermine
(D) encouraged.. determine
(E) restrained.. confirm
Ans : (B) beleaguered.. salvage
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) antidote
(B) alternative
(C) addition
(D) deterrent
(E) incentive
Ans - (E) incentive
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) avoided.. risks
(B) decried.. resists
(C) prized.. withstands
(D) identified ..consists of
(E) cultivated.. demands
Ans - (B) decried.. resists
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) spurned.. boredom
(B) forgotten.. condescension
(C) classified. .self-righteousness
(D) plausible.. guilt
(E) gripping. .skepticism
Ans : (C) classified. .self-righteousness
GRE Sentence Completion
(A) dedicating.. self-procession
(B) leading.. self-righteousness
(C) consigning.. self-adulation
(D) relegating.. self-sacrifice
(E) condemning.. self-analysis
Ans - (C) consigning.. self-adulation
GRE Sentence Completion
Art___ science, but that does not mean that the artist must also be a scientist; an artist uses the fruits of science but need not___ the theories from which they derive.
(A) precedes.. anticipate
(B) incorporates.. understand
(C) transcends.. abandon
(D) imitates.. repudiate
(E) resembles.. contest
Ans : (B) incorporates.. understand
GRE Sentence Completion
The chances that a species will___ are reduced if any vital functions restricted to a single kind of organ;___ by itself possesses an enormous survival advantage.
(A) degenerate.. complexity
(B) expire.. size
(C) disappear.. variety
(D) flourish.. symmetry
(E) persist.. redundancy
Ans : (E) persist.. redundancy
GRE Sentence Completion
Cezanne's delicate watercolor sketches often served as ___ of a subject, way of gathering fuller knowledge before the artist's final engagement of the subject in an oil painting.
(A) an abstraction
(B) an enhancement
(C) a synthesis
(D) a reconnaissance
(E) a transcription
Ans : (D) a reconnaissance
GRE Sentence Completion
It is strange how words shape our thoughts and trap us at the bottom of deeply ___canyons of thinking, their imprisoning sides carved out by the___ of past usage.
(A) cleaved.. eruptions
(B) rooted.. flood
(C) incised. .river
(D) ridged.. ocean
(E) notched.. mountains
Ans : (C) incised. .river
GRE Sentence Completion
If efficacious new medicines have side effects that are commonly observed and ___, such medicines are too often considered ___, even when laboratory tests suggest caution.
(B) unpredictable..reliable
(C) frequent..outdated
(D) salutary..experimental
(E) complicated..useful
Ans : (A)
GRE Sentence Completion
Changes of fashion and public taste are often____ and resistant to analysis, and yet they are among the most ____gauges of the state of the public's collective consciousness.
(A) transparent..useful
(B) ephemeral..sensitive
(C) faddish..underutilized
(D) arbitrary..problematic
(E) permanent..reliable
Ans : (B) ephemeral..sensitive
GRE Sentence Completion
The newborn human infant is not a passive figure, nor an active one,but what might be called an actively ___one,eagerly attentive as it is to sights and sounds.
(A) adaptive
(B) selective
(C) inquisitive
(D) receptive
(E) intuitive
Ans - (D) receptive
GRE Sentence Completion
Broadway audiences have become inured to___and so___to be pleased as to make their ready ovations meaningless as an indicator of the quality of the production before them.
(A) sentimentality..disinclined
(B) condescension..unlikely
(C) histrionics..reluctant
(D) cleverness..eager
(E) mediocrity..desperate
Ans : (E) mediocrity..desperate