divagation - vagary, diversion, digression, lateral shifting of a course of stream
Saturday, May 31, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - involution
involution - act of involving or entangling,
involution - complexity, intricacy
involution - mathematical function which when applied twice, brings back to the starting point
GRE Vocabulary - distrain
distrain - subject a person to distress, seize and hold property to compel payment or reparation for debts or obligation
GRE Vocabulary - distensible distention
distensible - capable of being distended - extended, stretched or expanded in all directions
distention - expansion
GRE Vocabulary - introversion
GRE Vocabulary - distemper
distemper - disorder, disturbance, illness, ailment, disease, malady
Friday, May 30, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - dissentient
dissentient - one who disagrees, differs in opinion
GRE Vocabulary - disjunctive
disjunctive - dividing or separating, providing a contrast or opposition
GRE Vocabulary - negligee
negligee - womens loose dressing gown, nightgown
negligee - informal or incomplete attire
GRE Vocabulary - dishabille
dishabille - casual, partial, lounging attire
dishabille - deliberately careless or casual style of dressing
Etymology - di + habiliment(clothing)
GRE Vocabulary - introgression
introgression - entrance, infiltration, introduction of genes from one species to another
GRE Vocabulary - disfavor
disfavor - disapproval, disadvantage, disregard, dislike, unfavorable opinion or judgment
GRE Vocabulary - intrigue
intrigue - secret scheme, machination
intrigue - clandestine love affair
GRE Vocabulary - disclaim
disclaim - to renounce a legal claim, deny, disavow any connection or responsibility
GRE Vocabulary - intestacy, intestate
intestacy - state of being intestate - dying without having made a valid will
GRE Vocabulary - diphthong monophthong
diphthong - complex speech sound of two merged vowels (ligature/digraph in speech), monosyllabic vowel that begins with one vowel and smoothly glides to the second,
monophthongs - pure vowels with one target tongue position
diphthongs - vowel sounds with two target tongue positions
Thursday, May 29, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - intervale
intervale - bottom land, low lying land between hills along a watercourse
GRE Vocabulary -differentia
differentia - distinguishing characteristic or feature
GRE Vocabulary - intension intention
intension - stretching, intensity, connotation, sum of attributes contained in a term
intention - resolve, purpose, aim
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - dialectician
dialectics - logic, discussion and reasoning by dialog, intellectual exchange of ideas, arriving at truth by weighing contradictory ideas
GRE Vocabulary - insular
insular - related to an island, provincial, parochial, isolated, narrow;
insular - pertaining to an island
GRE Vocabulary - deviltry
deviltry - witchcraft, wickedness, mischief, cruelty, devilry
GRE Vocabulary - disoblige
disoblige - to go counter to the wishes of, to give offense to , to affront, to inconvenience
GRE Vocabulary - insentient
insentient - lacking perception, consciousness, animation or sensation
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - ingraft engraft
ingraft engraft - to introduce into a host, to graft
GRE Vocabulary - detrude
detrude - thrust or force down, push forcibly, force out or away
GRE Vocabulary - despond
despond - become despondent, depressed, gloomy, disheartened, discouraged
GRE Vocabulary - amortize
amortize - to prorate a expense over interval for tax purposes
amortize - to liquidate a debt by installment payments
GRE Vocabulary - divestiture
GRE Vocabulary - irenic
irenic - promoting peace, moderation or conciliation
GRE Vocabulary - wend
wend - to direct ones course, to proceed on, to travel
GRE Vocabulary - tamp
tamp(v) - to pack down tightly by successive blows or taps, to compact a material by repeated blows
GRE Vocabulary - infelicitous
infelicitous - inappropriate, ill timed, unfortunate
GRE Vocabulary - prologue
prologue - preface, introduction, preceding event or development
GRE Vocabulary - endogamy
endogamy - marriage within a group in accordance with custom or law
GRE Vocabulary - recreant
recreant - coward, apostate, deserter, unfaithful to duty or allegiance
GRE Vocabulary - rebus
rebus - riddle made of pictures or symbols representing words
GRE Vocabulary - raffish tawdry
raffish - tawdry, flashily vulgar in display or appearance, carelessly unconventional, rakish, morally careless
tawdry - cheap, gaudy, indecent
Monday, May 26, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - rakish
rakish - having trim, streamlined appearance
rakish - like a rake, dissolute, lacking restraint, indulging, dashingly or carelessly unconventional, stylish, lively, jaunty, immoral
GRE Vocabulary - plangent
plangent - having loud reverberative sound
plangent - plaintive, expressing lamentation or sadness
GRE Vocabulary - natty dapper
natty - neat, trim , tidy, smart, dapper
dapper - neat, stylish, alert and lively
GRE Vocabulary - insouciant
insouciant - nonchalant, carefree, blithe fully unconcerned, easygoing
GRE Vocabulary - homiletics homily
homiletics - art of preaching,
homily - lecture or short sermon, inspirational catchphrase, platitude
GRE Vocabulary - frieze
frieze - heavily durable coarse woolen cloth with one rough surface
frieze - ornamental decorative horizontal band on the upper part of a wall below the cornice
GRE Vocabulary - lintel
GRE Vocabulary - gable
gable - triangular portion of a wall between the edges of a sloping roof
gable - ornamental architectural structure (usually triangular) above a arched door or window
GRE Vocabulary - odious
odious - arousing or deserving intense aversion, hatred or repugnance
GRE Vocabulary - dulcet
dulcet - melodious to the ear, sweet tasting, having soothing agreeable quality
GRE Vocabulary - desuetude
desuetude - discontinuance from use or exercise, disuse
GRE Vocabulary - descant
descant - melodious highest part sung in a part music
descant - discourse, lengthy discussion or comment at length
GRE Vocabulary - inchmeal
inchmeal - piecemeal, little by little, gradually
GRE Vocabulary - recant
recant - formally retract or disavow a previously held belief, renounce publicly
GRE Vocabulary - caparison
caparison - ornamental covering for a horse saddle or harness, adornments, trappings, finery
caparison - to adorn, decorate with rich ornamental covering
GRE Vocabulary - cachinnate
cachinnate - to laugh loudly or immoderately, convulsive laughter, guffaw
GRE Vocabulary - auspice
auspice - guardianship, protection, patronage
auspice - favorable omen, prophetic sign
GRE Vocabulary - spendthrift
spendthrift - one who wastes money, one who spends improvidently
GRE Vocabulary - asseverate
asseverate - to assert, affirm or declare positively, earnestly and with conviction
GRE Vocabulary - acarpous
acarpous - sterile, no longer producing fruit, effete
GRE Vocabulary - waddy
waddy(n) - hunting stick or a club
waddy(v) - to attack or beat with a waddy
waddy(n) - cowboy
GRE Vocabulary - bombast
bombast - pretentious, pompous, grandiloquent, inflated speech or writing
GRE Vocabulary - maculate
maculate(adj) - marked with spots, botched, impure, besmirched
GRE Vocabulary - derrick
derrick - hoisting apparatus consisting of vertical mast, slanted boom and associated tackle either manually or machine operated, used for hoisting and suspending weights in ship docks
derrick - framework or tower over a deep drill (as in oil well) for hoisting and lowering boring tackle
GRE Vocabulary - derisible
derisible - worthy of derision or scorn or ridicule
GRE Vocabulary - impregnable
impregnable - unassailable, unconquerable, impenetrable, incapable of being taken by assault
Sunday, May 25, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - deponent
deponent - one who testifies under oath, gives evidence, especially under writing
GRE Vocabulary - impolitic
impolitic - unwise, foolish, imprudent, not politic, not expedient
GRE Vocabulary - abreast
abreast - side by side, up to date, at a certain level
GRE Vocabular - dissimulate dissemble
dissemble dissimulate - simulate, hide under false appearance
GRE Vocabulary - satanic
satanic - extremely cruel or vicious, evil, wicked, pertaining to the devil
GRE Vocabulary - milieu
milieu - physical or social setting, environment, surroundings, background
GRE Vocabulary - dentifrice
dentifrice - powder, paste or liquid used for cleaning teeth
Etymology - denti + friction
GRE Vocabulary - impassable impassible
impassable - incapable of being crossed over, overcome or surmounted
impassible - impassive - unmoved by pleasure or by pain, stoic
Saturday, May 24, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - illumine
illumine - to illuminate, to help to understand (especially spiritual message)
GRE Vocabulary - dendroid arborescent dendrology
dendroid - arborescent - like a tree
dendrology - botanical study of trees
GRE Vocabulary - illiberal
illiberal - lacking culture, lacking refinement, bigoted,
illiberal - not generous, stingy
GRE Vocabulary - demurrage
demurrage - detention of ship or cargo carrier beyond the normal time,
demurrage - surcharge, charge, compensation for such delay
GRE Vocabulary - gossamer
gossamer - soft, light, delicate, insubstantial, flimsy, gauzy, sheer tenuous
gossamer - thin film of spider cobwebs floating in the air and caught on grass
GRE Vocabulary - unctuous
unctuous - fatty, oily, abundant in soft and rich organic materials
unctuous - insincere, ingratiating earnestness
GRE Vocabulary - rancid
rancid - repugnant disagreeable odor or taste of decomposing oil or fat, rank, rotten
rancid - repugnant, nasty remarks
GRE Vocabulary - petite
petite - small, slender and slim, usually used for a women or size of such womens clothing
GRE Vocabulary - deportment
deportment - demeanor, bearing, behavior, manner of personal conduct
GRE Vocabulary - glean
glean - gather facts in small quantities, gather information bit by bit, pick over, find out
glean - gather left over grain or other produce left behind by reapers after harvesting
GRE Vocabulary - deliquesce
deliquesce - dissolve and become liquid by absorbing moisture from air, become soft and liquid with age or maturity
deliquesce - melt away
GRE Vocabulary - forswear
forswear - renounce under oath, deny, abjure, swear falsely
GRE Vocabulary - deism
deism - doctrine of natural religion denying the interference of creator in the laws of universe
GRE Vocabulary - eurhythmics eurythmics
eurhythmics - eurythmics - harmonious timed bodily movements in response to music
GRE Vocabulary - degeneracy
degeneracy - state of being degraded, becoming degenerate
degeneracy - corrupt, vulgar, vicious, sexually perverted behavior
GRE Vocabulary - defray
defray - to undertake or assist in the payment of , to bear the expenses of
GRE Vocabulary - declension
declension - change or inflection of noun, adjective or pronoun endings to indicate features such as number, gender or case
declension - falling off, deterioration, descent, slope
declension - deviation from standard practice
GRE Vocabulary - educe
educe - bring out something potential or latent, evoke, elicit, extort
educe - deduce, to assume or work out from the facts,
GRE Vocabulary - decameron
decameron - volume consisting of ten parts or books
GRE Vocabulary - decalogue
Decalogue - ten commandments
Decalogue - fundamental set of rules carrying binding authority
GRE Vocabulary - dastard
dastard - a sneaking, mean, malicious coward
dastard - person who acts underhandedly and treacherously
GRE Vocabulary - darkling
darkling - in the dark, blindly
darkle - to become darkened, clouded, become gloomy
GRE Vocabulary - apse altar
apse - semi domed or semi polygonal end of a passage or aisle, often vaulted recess projecting from the building intended to house an altar
altar - elevated structure on which sacrifices are offered or incense is burned in worship
GRE Vocabulary - byzantine rococo
byzantine - highly ornamented and intricate architecture with a lot of minarets
rococo - highly ornamented architecture, artistic, excessively intricate
GRE Vocabulary - sorority
sorority - womens club, womens student organization
GRE Vocabulary - hazing
hazing - ragging, initiation process involving harrassment
GRE Vocabulary - busing
busing - transportation of students from one region to other to achieve racial balance
GRE Vocabulary - fescue
fescue - pointing stick used to teach children how to read
GRE Vocabulary - seminarian
seminarian - student in a seminary (School imparting religious instruction)
GRE Vocabulary - salutatorian
salutatorian - student having second highest rank who first delivers the salutatory address at the commencement of graduation ceremony of class
valedictorian - student having highest rank who delivers the valedictory (farewell) address at graduation ceremony
salutatory - welcome address
GRE Vocabulary - rector
rector - leader, one who directs, chief administrator
GRE Vocabulary - preceptor
preceptor - headmaster or principal at school, expert, teacher, tutor
GRE Vocabulary - philomath
philomath - lover of learning, scholar, (student of math)
GRE Vocabulary - freshman sophomore
freshman - first year student at college, beginner, new comer
sophomore - second year student at college
GRE Vocabulary - emeritus
emeritus - retired college professor holding a honorary title
GRE Vocabulary - plebe
plebe - first year student at military academy, freshman
GRE Vocabulary - sabbatical
sabbatical - leave with pay granted once in seven years to university professor
sabbatical - break or change from a normal routine
GRE Vocabulary - conservatory
conservatory - greenhouse
conservatory - school specializing in fine arts
GRE Vocabulary - tenured
tenured - permanently employed professor
tenured - holding tenure,
tenure - right of holding a term, grasp, hold, period during which something is held
GRE Vocabulary - alumna alumnae alumnus alumni
alumna - female graduate of a institution
alumnae - plural of alumna
alumnus - male graduate of a institution
alumni - collective term for all graduates of a institution
GRE Vocabulary - provost
provost - high ranking university official, senior administrator at a university
provost - keeper of prison,
GRE Vocabulary - divinity
divinity college - providing training for ministerial candidates, priests
GRE Vocabulary - colloquium
colloquium - academic meeting at which specialists speak and answers questions on designate topic
Friday, May 23, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - pertinacious
pertinacious - obstinately stubborn, unyielding, persistent
GRE Vocabulary - scruples scrupulous
scruples - principles
scruples - mental reservation, qualms, hesitation
scrupulous - painstakingly thorough, meticulous, upright, careful
scrupulous - having moral integrity
GRE Vocabulary - naivete
naivete - state of being naive, naive remark or action
GRE Vocabulary - malinger goldbrick
goldbrick(n) - useless brick which appears to be of gold, thing that appears valuable but is worthless, malinger, worthless resource
goldbrick(v) - to shrink duty, swindle
goldbricking - cyberslacking
GRE Vocabulary - kowtowing
kowtowing - showing obsequious deference, fawning,
kowtow - to kneel and touch forehead to the ground
GRE Vocabulary - lucent
lucent - resplendent, lustrous, glowing with light, incandescent
GRE Vocabulary - torpid
torpid - having lost motion or the power of exertion, numb, dormant, lacking energy, apathetic, dull, hibernating
GRE Vocabulary - ornery cantankerous
ornery - having irritable disposition, cantankerous, difficult to deal with, mean spirited, irritable, irascible
GRE Vocabulary - gyp
gyp(v) - to cheat, swindle,
gyp(n) - cheat, swindler, fraud
GRE Vocabulary - logorrhea logomania
logorrhea, logomania - pathological excessive, incoherent talking, abnormal talktativeness
Thursday, May 22, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - reprisal
reprisal - recapture, regaining, retaliation
GRE Vocabulary - antisemite
antisemite - against semitic race, jews
GRE Vocabulary - deportee
deportee - person who is banished, sent away, banished
GRE Vocabulary - slinky
slinky - characterized by slinking, stealthily quiet, deliberately slow and secret to escape observation
slinky - slithering like a snake
GRE Vocabulary - smarty
smarty - quick witted person, smart aleck, inclined to be tricky
GRE Vocabulary - exigent
exigent - urgent, demanding, requiring immediate attention
GRE Vocabulary - tergiversation
tergiversation - equivocation, evasion of straightforward response
tergiversation - desertion of a cause
GRE Vocabulary - momentary momentous
momentary - fleeting, transitory
momentous - significant, consequential
GRE Vocabulary - eclectic
eclectic - selecting the best from a variety of sources, heterogenous
GRE Vocabulary - harlequin
harlequin - buffoon, character in pantomime with shaved head, masked face, variegated tights and wooden sword
harlequin - variegated pattern on a textile
harlequin - patches on a solid background of contrasting color
GRE Vocabulary - masquerade
masquerade - costume party in which masks are worn
masquerade - disguise, false outward show, charade
GRE Vocabulary - espy descry
espy descry - catch sight of, find out, discover, detect
GRE Vocabulary - tardy
tardy - late, delaying beyond expected time, slow, sluggish
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - monody threnody
monody - dirge performed by one person, poem in which one person laments another's death
threnody - poem of mourning or lamentation
GRE Vocabulary - jeremiad
jeremiad - prolonged lamentation or complaint
jeremiad - long complaint, censure or denunciation
GRE Vocabulary - overlook
overlook - inspect, supervise
overlook - ignore, excuse, look past
GRE Vocabulary - pettifogger shyster
pettifogger - shyster, lawyer using questionable methods
pettifogger - unscrupulous professional
pettifogger - a person quibbling over trifles
GRE Vocabulary - attenuate
attenuate(v) - weaken, reduce in intensity, virulence, or vitality, rarefy
attenuate(adj) - reduced in thickness, density or force, tapering to a long slender point
GRE Vocabulary - silver-tongued
silver-tongued - eloquent speaker, fluently persuasive and forceful
GRE Vocabulary - articulation articulated
articulation - joint between fixed or moving parts eg., shoulder
GRE Vocabulary - throng
throng(n) - multitude of persons, crowd, increased pressure or tight packing
throng(v) - to crowd into (pack), to crowd upon (press)
GRE Vocabulary - bloviate
bloviate - to speak in a pompous manner, speak or write verbosely and windily
GRE Vocabulary - prosy
prosy - matter of fact, dull, boring, commonplace
GRE Vocabulary - shopworn
shopworn - faded, soiled, worn out from excessive use
GRE Vocabulary - musty fusty
musty - moldy, damp, malodorous, trite, antiquated, worn out, rusty, fusty
fusty - musty, old fashioned and reactionary, antiquated, stale
GRE Vocabulary - spartan
spartan - person of great self discipline, courageous, laconic
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - ardor ardour fervidity zealousness
ardor ardour fervidness fervidity fervency - intensity, zeal, excitement, passion
GRE Vocabulary - arbitrate arbiter
arbitrate - act as a judge, decide, give verdict in a dispute, act as arbiter
arbiter - person with authority to decide, judge
GRE Vocabulary - apotheosis
apotheosis(n) - elevation to divine status, deification
apotheosis(n) - perfect example, quintessence
GRE Vocabulary - aesthete
aesthete - someone who is extremely sensitive to beauty, especially in art
GRE Vocabulary - letup
letup - slackening of effort, diminish, become less severe, temporary pause
GRE Vocabulary - decamp
decamp - abscond, flee, depart secretly or suddenly
decamp - leave a camp,
GRE Vocabulary - lout curtsy curtsey
lout(n) - awkward, stupid brutish person, oaf, boor,
lout(v) - to treat as a lout, scorn
lout(v) - to bow, bend or stoop, submit, yield, to curtsy
GRE Vocabulary - corporal corporeal
corporeal - pertaining to physical body, corporal
corporal - material, tangible, substantial
GRE Vocabulary - cannon cannonade canon
cannon(n) - heavy gun mounted on a carriage
cannonade - cannon(v) - bombardment, heavy artillery fire
canon - rule, principle, criteria, law
GRE Vocabulary - errant arrant
errant - wandering, traveling about, itinerant, aimless wanderer
errant - roving, especially in search of adventure
errant - fallible, straying outside the proper path, behaving wrongly
arrant - complete, thorough, without qualification, extreme, notorious
GRE Vocabulary - sortie
sortie - sudden attack from a defensive position surrounded by the army
sortie - foray, raid, excursion, expedition
sortie - sudden attack by a single plane
GRE Vocabulary - sententious
sententious - aphoristic, terse, moralistic
GRE Vocabulary - sally
sally - to rush forth suddenly, outburst
sally - to assault from a defensive position, sortie
sally - witty or imaginative saying, quip,
sally - jaunt, venture, trip or excursion off the beaten track
GRE Vocabulary - benighted
benighted - overtaken by darkness
benighted - existing in intellectual, moral or social darkness, unenlightened
GRE Vocabulary - phantasm
phantasm - figment of imagination, fantasy, delusion, illusion
phantasm - mental representation of a real object
GRE Vocabulary - contretemps
contretemps - inopportune, embarrassing occurrence; awkward clash
contretemps - unforeseen occurrence that disrupts the normal course of things
GRE Vocabulary - substantive
substantive - real , totally independent entity
substantive - substantial, considerable in number
substantive - creating or defining rights and duties
GRE Vocabulary - zephyr
zephyr - something that is airy, insubstantial, or passing
zephyr - gentle breeze from the west
zephyr - any soft light fabric, yarn or garment
GRE Vocabulary - wean
wean - to accustom to something from an early age
wean - to detach from source of dependence
wean - to accustom a young one to take food otherwise than by nursing
Monday, May 19, 2008
Sunday, May 18, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - pusillanimous
pusillanimous - lacking courage, coward
GRE Vocabulary - aphasia
aphasia - inability or difficulty to comprehend written or spoken words due to brain injury
GRE Vocabulary - nonplussed
nonplussed - perplexed, shocked, bewildered, unable to think
GRE Vocabulary - eleemosynary
eleemosynary - related to or supported by charity
GRE Vocabulary - suigeneris
suigeneris - unique, peculiar, one of its kind, constituting a classg
GRE Vocabulary - privateer
privateer - marine vehicle privately owned and crewed, but authorized by government in times of marine war
privateer - commander of such a ship or crew
GRE Vocabulary - surveyor
surveyor - superintendent, supervisor, overseer, inspector
surveyor - land measurer/ surveyor
GRE Vocabulary - mimetic
mimetic - imitative, copying, related to mimicry
mimetic - resembling or relation of one thing to another
GRE Vocabulary - pablum pabulum
pablum = pabulum - something that is simplistic, insipid or bland; worthless over simplistic ideas
pablum - food or suspension of nutrients suitable for quick absorption
GRE Vocabulary - hortative
hortative - exhortative, advisory, giving strong encouragement
GRE Vocabulary - ideate
ideate - form an idea of , conceive, imagine
GRE Vocabulary - forfend forefend
forefend - ward off, prevent, protect, preserve
GRE Vocabulary - exegesis
exegesis - critical examination, critique and explanation, exposition
exposition - explanation, putting forth the meaning, public exhibition
GRE Vocabulary - docent
docent - teacher or lecturer at university who is not regular faculty member
docent - lecturer or tour guide at a museum or cathedral
GRE Vocabulary - hermeneutics
hermeneutics - method of understanding, study of interpretation of ecclesiastic/religious text or literature
GRE Vocabulary - ontogeny
ontogeny - development of organism from conception to adulthood
GRE Vocabulary - etiology
etiology - area of knowledge dealing with causes and origins (as in diseases); study of causation
GRE Vocabulary - etiolated
etiolated - become bleached, pale, or whitened; having lost natural coloration; deprived of natural vitality
GRE Vocabulary - spleen spite
spleen - spite - feeling of anger or ill will
GRE Vocabulary - callipygian
callipygian - having beautifully proportioned buttocks
GRE Vocabulary - inanition
inanition - empty, exhausted condition, lack of vitality
GRE Vocabulary - archaize
archaize - give a archaic quality to , use archaisms
GRE Vocabulary - weal
weal - sound, healthy, prosperous state; well being,
weal - welt, raised ridge of flesh as a mark of beating
GRE Vocabulary - yearling
yearling - animal (racehorse) between 1 and 2 years of age
GRE Vocabulary - votive
votive - dedicated by a vow
votive - expressing a wish, desire or vow
GRE Vocabulary - synod
synod - ecclesiastical governing or advisory council
GRE Vocabulary - vassal
vassal - a bondman, slave, subordinate or dependent
vassal - feudal tenant, person under the protection of feudal lord to whom he has vowed homage and fealty
GRE Vocabulary - undersell
undersell - to sell articles cheaper than
undersell - to present with little or insufficient enthusiasm
GRE Vocabulary - specie
specie - coin, currency,
specie - of the same form or kind
Plural - species
Saturday, May 17, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - witling
witling - person with little or no understanding, a would be wit, person with little wit, one who aspires to be witty
GRE Vocabulary - technography
GRE Vocabulary - subjacent
subjacent - located beneath, underlying
subjacent - located at a lower level, but not directly beneath
GRE Vocabulary - pantheism
pantheism - doctrine of belief and toleration of worship of all Gods
pantheism - doctrine that equates God with the forces and phenomenon of nature and universe
GRE Vocabulary - underwrite
underwrite - to agree, give consent, subscribe or agree to
underwrite - to assume financial liability in insurance policy
underwrite - to guarantee financial support, sponsor, subsidize, insure
GRE Vocabulary - tempter
tempter - one who allures, seduces or charms
GRE Vocabulary - physiocracy
GRE Vocabulary - sterling
sterling - having a fixed standard of purity, of the highest quality, genuine
Friday, May 16, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - ostentate
ostentate - to display proudly, display in ostentatious manner, pretentiously
GRE Vocabulary - angular angulate
angular - sharp cornered, lean, gaunt, having prominent bone structure, stiff in manner
angulate(adj) - having angles, angular
angulate(v) - make or become angular
angulation - making of angles or sharp bends, measurement of angles,
angulation - angles between bones at joints
GRE Vocabulary - stripling
stripling - adolescent youth, juvenile between the onset of puberty and maturity
GRE Vocabulary - subacid
subacid - somewhat acrimonious, slightly sour/sharp or acidic
GRE Vocabulary - refringency refractivity refringent
Thursday, May 15, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - triumvir
triumvir - one men of the ruling body of three
GRE Vocabulary - stagy
stagy - theatrical, marked by pretense or artificiality
GRE Vocabulary - sequacious
sequacious - subservient, tractable, intellectually servile
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - piteous
piteous - arousing pity or compassion, miserly, pathetic
GRE Vocabulary - philander
philander - to have illegal extramarital affair with a woman or many women, to womenize
GRE Vocabulary - superadd
superadd - to add, in a way that compounds the effect, to augment by an extra amountt
GRE Vocabulary - spinous
spinous - resembling spines, spiny, having spines or thorns,
spinous - difficult or unpleasant to handle, full with difficulties and obstacles
GRE Vocabulary - sapid
sapid - having flavor, pleasing to the mind
GRE Vocabulary - valedictorian
valedictorian - student having highest rank who delivers the valedictory address
valediction - pertaining to farewell
GRE Vocabulary - sophistry sophism
sophistry - subtly deceptive reasoning
sophism - argument apparently correct but actually invalid
GRE Vocabulary - undercharge
undercharge - to charge too little to a person
undercharge - to load a firearm with insufficient charge
GRE Vocabulary - undeceive
undeceive - free from deception, illusion or error, correct a wrong impression/understanding
GRE Vocabulary - soothsayer
soothsayer - person who claims to be prognosticator
GRE Vocabulary - megalith
GRE Vocabulary - fluster
fluster - make nervous, confuse, upset, make tipsy, discompose
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - dock
GRE Vocabulary - subtrahend minuend
minuend − subtrahend = difference
subtrahend - that which is to be subtracted
minuend - number from which subtrahend is to be subtracted
GRE Vocabulary - treasonable
treasonable - marked by treason, betrayal, treachery
GRE Vocabulary - underhanded
underhanded - carried out slyly or secretly
underhanded - not honest or aboveboard, marked by chicanery or deception
GRE Vocabulary - septennial
septennial - occurring every seven years, lasting for seven years
Monday, May 12, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - privity
privity - joint knowledge of a private matter
privity - relationship arising out of mutual interest
GRE Vocabulary - sonorous
sonorous - producing full, deep or rich sound, resonant
GRE Vocabulary - theorize, theorist
theorize - propose a theory, form a theory, speculate
theorist - one who theorizes, speculator
GRE Vocabulary - weft
weft - filling thread or yarn used in weaving which is drawn under and over parallel warp threads
warp - series of lengthwise yarns through which weft is woven
GRE Vocabulary - tapestry
tapestry - something which resembles rich and complicated design
GRE Vocabulary - sedulous
sedulous - diligent, hardworking, persevering
GRE Vocabulary - overweening
overweening - arrogant, excessive, immoderate, exaggerated, overbearing, presumptuous, unrestrained
Sunday, May 11, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - solicitude
solicitude - state of being concerned or anxious
GRE Vocabulary - tearjerker
GRE Vocabulary - bamboozle
bamboozle - deceive, confuse, frustrate, fool or cheat
GRE Vocabulary - bricolage
bricolage - construction or creation using whatever is available at hand
Etymology - bricolage - fiddle, tinker, do it yourself
GRE Vocabulary - legerity
legerity - alert quickness of mind or body, agility, alacrity
GRE Vocabulary - quidnunc
quidnunc - nosy person, who wants to know all gossip
quidnunc - busybody
GRE Vocabulary - novice
novice - person admitted under probationary membership to a religious community, religious student
novice - tyro, beginner
GRE Vocabulary - equinox
GRE Vocabulary - overtone
overtone - ulterior implicit meaning or quality
overtone - non integer multiple of the root frequency
GRE Vocabulary - penurious penury
penurious - extremely frugal
penurious - suffering from penury
penury - extreme frugality or severe poverty
GRE Vocabulary - seance
seance - session or meeting of the spiritualists to communicate with the spirits
GRE Vocabulary - saponaceous
saponaceous - having the qualities of soap
GRE Vocabulary - salacious
salacious - lascivious, lecherous, lewd, having strong sexual desires
GRE Vocabulary - pharmacopoeia
pharmacopoeia - authoritative book describing drugs and their preparation
pharmacopoeia - collection or stock of drugs
GRE Vocabulary - recognizance
recognizance - legal obligation requiring performance of an act or penalty of money forfeiture, the sum of money pledged for the performance of such a act, token, pledge
recognizance - recognition
GRE Vocabulary - rhapsody
rhapsody - enthusiastic expression, rapture, ecstasy
GRE Vocabulary - sidelong
sidelong - directed to one side, lying on one side, indirect, not straightforward, sideways, oblique
GRE Vocabulary - overlord
overlord - absolute or supreme lord, one with great authority or power
GRE Vocabulary - satyr
satyr - lecherous man, lascivious person, lewd, lustful
GRE Vocabulary - regent
regent - person who governs in the absence of a sovereign ruler
GRE Vocabulary - sibilate sibilant
sibilate - hiss, produce a s sound
sibilant - resembling s or sh sound
GRE Vocabulary - rebut refute
rebut - repel, oppose by argument
refute - expose the falsity of, prove wrong, inaccurate by argument or evidence
GRE Vocabulary - recrudescence recrudescent
recrudescence - renewal, becoming raw or sore again
recrudescent - breaking out again, renewing
GRE Vocabulary - sextuple
sextuple - having six units or members, being a multiple of six
GRE Vocabulary - ruth
ruth - compassion for the misery of another, sorrow for ones own fault, remorse
GRE Vocabulary - prate
prate - talk long and idly, chatter, babble, talk vainly or foolishly
GRE Vocabulary - overstride
overstride - to stride over, across or beyond, bestride
Saturday, May 10, 2008
GRE Vocabulary - prospector
prospector - one who explores, inspects a area for mineral deposits or for oil
GRE Vocabulary - reprehend
reprehend - voice disapproval of, censure, blame, criticize, find fault with
GRE Vocabulary - polycracy polyarchy
polycracy - rule of many
polyarchy - government of many persons of whichever class they may be, group of many kingdoms
GRE Vocabulary - posse
posse - large group with a common interest, entourage, people deputed to search for a lost child
Etymology - posse - power
GRE Vocabulary - psychopathic
psychopathic - antisocial personality,
GRE Vocabulary - prepossession
prepossession - prejudice, preoccupation, predilection, prior possession
GRE Vocabulary - reconnoiter reconnaissance
reconnoiter - reconnaissance - a preliminary survey to gain information; exploratory military survey of enemy territory