Test link : Free GRE Practice Tests. 400 Free GRE Test Questions
Info link : http://www.greguide.com/verbal.html
Lots of work to be done !!!!
(That includes reading the above page)
Got to speed up !
turgid = distended, tumid, swollen
turgid = excessively embellished, bombastic, pomopous
lord : vassal :: _____ : slave
A: serf
B: fief
C: month
D: master
Answer : D
Good site to practice GRE vocabulary
Many thanks to the author !!
(A) entreat:urgency
(B) revere:simplicity
(C) plead:sorrow
(D) avenge:ferocity
(E) insult:sarcasm
Answer : (A) entreat:urgency
Explanation : Rail is to talk with extreme vehemence
(A) probe:examine
(B) soar:travel
(C) wheedle:coax
(D) saunter:walk
(E) digress:conclude
Answer : D
I respect the man who knows distinctly what he wishes. The greater part of all mischief in the world arises from the fact that men do not sufficiently understand their own aims. They have undertaken to build a tower, and spend no more labor on the foundation than would be necessary to erect a hut.-- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
This seems like a interesting service, which should be used.
Hopefully this will save me the hassle of going to individual sites to gather latest updates. On top of that it should save me some time ( wont it ??) !!
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing - Helen Keller
anterior = situated towards the front, preceding
interior = situated towards the inside/backside
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factotum = handyman = person competent in variety of activities, general servant
Etymology : totum = total, everything
cogitate = think over, ponder, meditate deeply
excogitate = think out, devise
cumulus = heap, mountain; dense, puffy cloud resembling a mountain; cloud with curved boundaries formed on a flat base
anchorite = person who lives in isolation for religious reasons
conflate = bring together, fuse, combine (confuse between different object, entities)
latitude = angular distance from speficied plane of reference or circle
latitude = width, scope, range
Etymology : lariat - ariat - related to adapt
In old days I was always fascinated by jugglers performing their antics .
Wish I had accessed this site then.
Wish I have time to access this site now.
If wishes where horses .......... ;)
indemnity = security against hurt, loss or damage; obligation to make repayment for losses
incommunicado = without means of communication
portmanteau = large travelling bag with multiple compartments (archaic)
portmanteau = word (morpheme) whose form and meaning are derived by fusing two or more distinct forms
canvas = strong, coarse cloth used for preparing tents
canvas = background cloth used by artist to paint on
canvass = go around soliciting political support / votes
discreet = unpretentious, modest, showing discernment or good judgement, showing discretion
descrete = individual, distinct, noncontinuous
doldrums = parts of the oceans around the equator where the winds are very calm
A not for profit organization which uses multimedia to explore human environment
A good use for enormously powerful tool at mans disposal. Hope to see more such initiatives taking shape. Perhaps one day, I would be a (contributing) member of such a organization
Woe, this needs loads of time
Time to get back to work now :`)
cuticle = protective covering forming a exoskeleton in animals / insects or waxy coating in plants
eponychium - human cuticle
cuticle = skin at base of finger nail or toe nail